Drive school & district improvement with powerful data.

Fast, aggregated, and shareable data quickly identifies content challenges, supports early interventions, and simplifies standards tracking.

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Empower your teachers with flexible tools.

Relevant capabilities and useful data fosters enthusiastic buy-in.

  • Paper & Digital

  • Custom Answer

  • Immediate
    Scoring & Review

  • Instant Grade

  • Robust

  • User-Friendly

Classroom Features
“After every training, teachers left thanking me for the training as well as finding such a great product to replace [our current system].”
- Stephanie E. Avera - Director II, Educational Technology
Capistrano Unified School District, CA
“One of the really positive benefits to us using [Gradient] is to get that timely feedback that we have been really missing.”
- Chris Downs - Lead Teacher
North Hagerstown High School, MD
“Once [educators] realize how simple it actually becomes, then you see people start to utilize some of the other tools and features… When we started fishing around for what we were looking for, what we found was a whole lot more.”
- Kate F. - Technology Implementation Specialist
Columbian High School, OH

Gradient Schools & Districts

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