Boost student success with formative assessments.

Measure what students know and provide insights into the effectiveness of certain instructional techniques with Gradient.

Use Gradient for formative assessments.

Do Nows and Exit Tickets

Use the Multiple-Question Assignment in Gradient for fast, reliable feedback.

Pro Tip: Laminate generic forms and reuse them with dry-erase markers.

Classroom Discussions

Assess student comprehension, critical thinking skills, and ability to articulate their understanding. Use an Observational Assignment to assign points for participation.


A 3-2-1 pattern is a great conversation starter. Consider using Gradient’s Credit Assignment to award participation points to students.

One-Minute Papers

Have students write a 60-second reflection to avoid a student slipping through the cracks by remaining quiet during a discussion. Utilize Gradient’s Open Response Capture question type to easily scan, collect responses, and review all in one place.

Concept Maps

Concept maps are a great alternative formative assessment for visual learners. This is an opportunity to embed Gradient’s Scored Assignment form in an existing worksheet for easy scoring.

Maximize the benefits of formative assessment with Gradient.

  • Create and use flexible formative types.
  • Instantly scan and score responses to collect data and provide timely feedback.
  • Immediately review student comprehension of the lesson’s concepts.
  • Routinely track student progress toward concept mastery.

Immediate reports For real-time adjustments.

Whether providing students with a pre-lesson check or post-lesson exit ticket, teachers can gauge student understanding in the moment with Gradient’s straightforward reporting.

Score Graph

Review summarized visualization of student results based on custom performance bands.

Item Analysis

Guide focused discussions and clarifications for concepts based on the answers given by students.

Class by Question

Compare performance across multiple classes or periods to provide class-specific instructional needs.

Student by Standard

Track student mastery towards learning goals and target standards.

Learn More

Round out your assessment strategy
with the flexibility of Gradient.

Summative Assessment
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