Simplify Summative Assessments

Regardless of how a teacher wants to assess their students at the end of the unit or semester, Gradient can help.

Gradient For Summative Assessment

Unit Exams

Use various question types to test the depth of understanding students have at the end of a unit or semester.

Incorporate short and long-form response questions to push students to synthesize their learning beyond memorization.


Create portfolios showcasing student work throughout the unit or semester. Use a rubric to assess the components of their work.

Project-Based Learning
  • Authentic Assessments: Assess students’ ability to communicate effectively and apply language skills in authentic contexts. Provide an overall score for a project or have students reflect on their experience using an essay response to evaluate student learning.
  • Performance Tasks: Design performance tasks that require students to apply their knowledge and skills in real-world scenarios. Evaluate students based on their ability to effectively execute the task and demonstrate mastery of key concepts.
Standardized Test Prep
  • Prepare students for high-stakes testing with a library of pre-built exams to familiarize students with the testing environment and how content is presented.
  • Use practice exams to provide educators with data to track student progress throughout the year.
  • Pre-built tests available for ACT and New York Mock Regents exams.

Benefits Of Summative Assessment With Gradient

  • Get immediate insights into students’ comprehension and mastery of concepts.
  • Expand assessment strategy to include rubrics, essay questions, and multiple-choice exams.
  • Provide immediate feedback to students for both paper and online assessments.
  • Streamline assessment delivery using your existing LMS (Schoology, Canvas, Jupiter, and Google Classroom).
  • Instantly grade and transfer to online gradebooks to simplify class grading management.

Instant Results And Reports With Gradient

Streamline the grading process and reduce time spent flipping through papers. With instant data in one centralized hub, teachers and administrators can easily view results.

Score Graph

Review summarized visualization of student results based on custom performance bands.

Item Analysis

Guide focused discussions and clarifications for concepts based on the answers given by students.

Class by Question

Compare performance across multiple classes or periods to provide class-specific instructional needs.

Student by Standard

Track student mastery towards learning goals and target standards.

Learn More

Round out your assessment strategy
with the flexibility of Gradient.

Formative Assessment
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